Catalyst Capital Symposia
Revolutionizing Healthcare with Microfluidics: An Interview with Dr. Jing Chen
Unlocking the Power of Microfluidics in Healthcare
In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, innovative technologies are transforming the way we approach diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. One such technology, microfluidics, is poised to revolutionize the industry with its potential to monitor health and detect diseases in real-time. In this exclusive interview, Dr. Jing Chen, CEO of HiComp, shares his vision for harnessing the power of microfluidics to create innovative solutions for personalized medicine and health monitoring.
What is Microfluidics?
Microfluidics is the ability to handle tiny amounts of liquid within a confined space. This technology has been used in various applications, including lab-on-a-chip devices, biosensors, and drug delivery systems. In the context of healthcare, microfluidics enables rapid and accurate detection of biomarkers, allowing for early diagnosis and treatment ofdiseases.
The Future of Healthcare: Personalized Medicine and Monitoring
Dr. Chen envisions a future where microfluidics enables individuals to monitor their health in real-time, using tiny devices that can detect biomarkers and provide personalized recommendations for treatment. “With microfluids, you can get the knowledge of your body, of yourself. Right here. Right now.” An example of the implications of this is “the covid antigen tests. It's very convenient to use. You can do a self-test at home. So microfluids can automate all kinds of tests. So in the future, maybe using a tiny device like the covid antigen tests, you can get knowledge of your genes and DNA. All the bioinformation within your body. It is very crucial,” Dr. Chen explains.
Benefits of Microfluidics in Healthcare
The benefits of microfluidics in healthcare are numerous. Some of the most significant advantages include:
- Rapid diagnosis: Microfluidics enables rapid detection of biomarkers, allowing for early diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
- Personalized medicine: Microfluidics enables personalized recommendations for treatment, based on individual biomarker profiles.
- Real-time monitoring: Microfluidics enables real-time monitoring of health, allowing individuals to take proactive steps to prevent disease.
- Cost-effective: Microfluidics is a cost-effective solution for healthcare, reducing the need for expensive equipment and laboratory tests.
Overcoming Challenges in Microfluidics
One of the biggest challenges in microfluidics is reducing costs to make the technology accessible to everyone. Dr. Chen discusses how his company is working to overcome this challenge through innovative engineering and manufacturing techniques. “You have to make things that can be used in the International Space Station affordable to ordinary people,” Dr. Chen explains. “You have to do a lot of engineering and make a lot of innovations to make it happen.” Microfluids are usually associated with high costs and being expensive, but HiComp is making every effort to lower these costs with their innovations. By introducing Dr. Chen’s technology of multi-material microfabrication and other advanced instruments and optical technologies, they can drop the costs dramatically and bring microfluids to everyone, including physicians and their patients.
The Journey to HiComp
Dr. Chen's journey to HiComp began in academia, where he worked as a professor and researcher in semiconductor technology. However, it was his work in microfluidics that truly sparked his passion. He never envisioned himself to be an entrepreneur. Dr. Chen admits, “If I knew how hard it is to start a company, I would not do it!” However, starting HiComp was an accident, beginning with the motivation he received from customer feedback on his research and innovations. Dr. Chen’s philosophy is to “always start something new and work on things he’s never seen,” and taking that leap to create HiComp greatly aligns with this way of thinking.
While working on his PhD in semiconductors, Dr. Chen changed his interest. He asked himself why one cannot make those kinds of structures on other materials besides silicon. Can one make those kinds of structures with features of nanos on ceramics, stainless steel, and polymers? These questions led to the invention of his technology called multi-material microfabrication.
It can transfer these structures on different materials other than silicon. It was a revolutionary technology, being able to fabricate biochips called microfluidics. Now able to fabricate structures featuring micrometers and nanometers structures on top of polymers and silicon. These two materials are very popular in microfluidics. In microfluidics, glass and plastic is used more than silicon, making it very useful. After the feedback he received from the manufacturer he made it for, he realized the potential behind it.
The Future of Microfluidics
The future of microfluidics is bright, with potential applications in healthcare, diagnostics, and pharmaceuticals. Dr. Chen discusses the potential for microfluidics to transform these industries, and the role that HiComp will play in that transformation.
In conclusion, microfluidics is a technology that can transform healthcare, enabling rapid and accurate detection of biomarkers, personalized medicine, and real-time monitoring. Dr. Jing Chen and HiComp are at the forefront of this revolution, harnessing the power of microfluidics to create innovative solutions for personalized medicine and health monitoring. As the industry continues to evolve, one thing is clear: microfluidics is the future of healthcare.